Monday, November 25, 2013

Hair Perfection, by Yvonne White

The secret to hair perfection is your natural hair. This is because God created everyone’s hair to be beautiful. People who want natural hair must wash it twice a week to avoid lice and dandruff from spreading and damaging the hair. They also need to rub hair oil, like Blue Magic and even Vaseline, to keep the hair shiny. Shampoos such as Pantene and Head and Shoulders are very good for the hair to make it bounce. Dying the hair is not a good idea for it can make a person look ugly and may cause cancer because of the chemicals inside the products. People need to be happy with their natural hair because it is a gift from God, and it also makes one beautiful and attractive.


  1. Great advice! Natural hair is also much lower maintenance.

  2. It's sad that no one--not even me--believes that natural hair is the best hair. I've spent a long time trying to make my hair do what I wanted.

    I never thought of putting vaseline on my hair. Such creatives suggestions.
