Monday, November 25, 2013

The "City," by Eriq Gale-Anderson

Here in the inner city, you don’t see many uplifting sights or hear much inspirational news. The “city” is a compact and grand place with brightly lit buildings, just not people. There’s a dull atmosphere that surrounds the night in the “city.” Nobody in the “city” has his/her own style of dressing, posture, and character. But on one very light but routine night, I saw a woman I had never seen before, and everybody else in the shallow and unmoved “city.” This woman was just walking along the sidewalk, passing through the strip of gloominess we called the “city.” As I watched the woman walk from my fire escape, I noticed she was wearing a bright red dress with no frills, and she had skin that looked as smooth as a leaf of lavender, with skin the color of milk chocolate. The people in the “city” stopped whatever they were doing and gazed upon the young woman with hair as black as coal, but curly as wool. There was also something very interesting about her walk. She had a confident, sexy  stride that attracted the eyes of the many men in the “city.” Her walk involuntarily shamed the slouched zombie walk of the citizens of the “city.” Eventually, the woman left the sights of the “city,” leaving the citizens amazed. This put a positive spin on what I see daily. 

1 comment:

  1. Your description is so vivid, Eriq! I especially like your reference to the "slouched zombie walk."
